Heresy Kingdom Come® is a trading card game of darkness and reascension. Fallen angels, cyberpunk demons and forsaken mortals clash amidst the Ruin of a blasted earth. You and your opponents assume the roles of great and powerful seraphim vying for global, spiritual and virtual dominion in the face of overwhelming odds. The struggle for reascension has only just begun...
FAQ (2/7/96):
The official frequently asked questions list, including all current rulings,
about Heresy. Maintained by the Heresy Netrep, Denis Chagnon.
Tournament Rules:
The alpha version of the official Heresy tournament rules. Written and
maintained by the Heresy Netrep, Denis Chagnon.
Simple card lists
Contacting LUG:
How to get in touch with the publishers of Heresy and the roleplaying game
Aria: Canticle of the Monomyth.
Sendai Bubble:
A web site with a full online database of the 374 cards in the limited edition set.
Other web sites:
Here is a list of the other Heresy pages that I know of. Please do let me know
if you know of any that are missing.
![]() Original CardsAll new Hosts, Heathens, Alephs, and more to make your games even better, including some new card types. |
![]() The World of HeresyFind out more about the fascinating backdrop to this game, and the people, places, and... angels that make it so unique. |
![]() Info on this PageCredit where credit is due. Find out where the text, art, and concepts used in these pages came from. |