Heresy: Kingdom Come (TM)
Official Tournament Rules
Alpha Version, 6/15/96

Table of contents:

  1. General Overview
  2. Standard Floor Rules
  3. The Reascension Tournament
  4. The Armageddon Tournament
  5. The Revelations Tournament
  6. Further information

General Overview

1.1 (Contents): This document contains the official tournament rules structure for Heresy: Kingdom Come. It includes the general floor rules which relate to all official H:KC tournaments, and the specifics of each of the three major tournament types which Last Unicorn recognizes and will base their players' organization around.

1.2 (Updates): Changes to these rules, and future versions of them, will be circulated through the players organization, on the Internet through postings at (the primary public forum on Heresy) and available by request from Last Unicorn Games by U.S. Mail or email to the addresses found at the end of this document.

Standard Floor Rules

* General Rules:

2.1.1: Each tournament will be run by a Judge or a group of Judges and unless otherwise announced will be played according to the most recent rulings, errata, and printings of the cards as presented in the rulebook, the official FAQ, and over the internet.

2.1.2: In all cases, a judge's word will be final; if a player has an official case against a ruling, it may be presented after the tournament is completed, but will not alter the outcome once the judge has passed a final decision. (Judges please note - This clause is not meant to allow you complete power. If a player presents an official ruling of which you were unaware, do not take it lightly and dismiss it out of hand.)

2.1.3: In the case of multiple judges, a head judge will be appointed, whose decision will act as a tiebreaking vote.

2.1.4: Remeber that this is a competitive environment, and that tempers can flare. Such a situation can easily compound itself, so all players and officials are required to conduct themselves as civilly as possible at all times.

* Deck Construction:

2.2.1: All decks, except where otherwise specified later in these rules, are to be constructed according to the rulebook. Those guidelines are presented again here for clarity. "You ... need at least 60 Heresy cards to make your deck ... You may have no more than four of any given card in your deck, except for locations. You may have any number of individual locations in your deck."(19)

2.2.2: Each player's cards are returned to him at the end of each game, and each deck must start each game with all of its original contents. No cards may be added to or removed from the deck between games, except where noted.

* Playing the Games:

2.3.1: At the start of the game, the first player will be decided by some random method agreed upon by all players in that game; play proceeds clockwise from that player (as standard). Each player has the option to shuffle and cut the deck of the player to his or her right before any cards are drawn, and at any time that a shuffle of the deck occurs during the game. Other than this and as indicated on specific cards, no player may manipulate another player's deck at any time.

2.3.2: The Tau goal for each game is determined by the type of tournament, as explained below.

2.3.3: The only modification to the standard rules is to the play of cards in the Archive. Each player�s archive is face-up, to preclude the possibility of cheating. All discards to the Archive must be made face-up and one at a time, but only the top card must be visible to all players at any time. Each player has the right to look through and reorder his own Archive at any time, but may not look through another's. If a suspicion of foul play exists, a Judge may be called in to check the Archive.

2.3.4: Each player's oblivion may be looked through at any time by any player, and each player may request information about any cards in play or in oblivion, but the order of cards in oblivions may not be altered without a card effect.

2.3.5: Any violation of the Tournament rules or the game's basic rules which can be corrected must be, reversing steps as necessary to correct the problem, and play resumes from there. If such a backtracking is not possible, players may agree on a resolution if possible, or enlist a Judge's opinion. If the violation is deemed intentional by a Judge, that judge has the option of issuing the player a warning, penalizing the player in some manner, or simply ejecting him from the tournament entirely.

The Reascension Tournament

* Reascension Overview:

3.1: The Reascension Tournament is the main variant of Heresy tournament, and the one on which the other variants are based. It is a full view of the struggle for the Fallen to reenter Empyrean on an epic scale, and is suitable for any number of players from 6 to (theoretically) infinity. Its games are intended to be suitably sized for a number of deck styles to develop given the opportunity, and the scoring system is meant to encourage variety and competitive play.

* The Main Structure:

3.2.1: A Reascension Tournament is comprised of a number of rounds of multiplayer games, with either three or four players in each game. Each player then receives a number of points based on his or her performance in the game (as explained below, under Scoring - 3.3). A player's total score for the tournament determines the groupings for each round.

3.2.2: In each round, players are grouped with others of similar scores, from the highest to the lowest. Any necessary groups of four are to be comprised of the highest-ranking scores, with a maximum of two such groups per round. Mathematically, there will be (X div 3)-(X mod 3) groups of three per round, and (X mod 3) groups of four. The pattern is as follows:

Players     Groupings  
  6           3 3  
  7           3 4  
  8           4 4  
  9           3 3 3  
  10          3 3 4  
  11          3 4 4  
  12          3 3 3 3  
  13          3 3 3 4  
  14          3 3 4 4  
  15          3 3 3 3 3 
  ...         ...

3.2.3: There will be at least 4 rounds per tournament, plus one per full fifteen players or as announced by the judge(s) ahead of time.

3.2.4: It is recommended that each round have a 75 minute time limit, though other or no time limits are allowed at the option of the judges. Any player found to be intentionally significantly delaying the game (at a judge's decision) may be penalized, warned, or expelled, as deemed appropriate. Should the time limit conclude before the game ends, the current player finishes his turn, and then the game is scored as detailed below.

3.2.5: The standard Tau Goal for a Reascension tournament is 9 Tau.

* Scoring:

3.3.1: The winner of each game receives 14 points. (Should the Tau goal be changed for a tournament, this number should also be changed.)

3.3.2: Each other player in the game receives a number of points equal to the amount of Tau he or she has stored at the conclusion of the game, to a maximum of the Tau goal.

3.3.3: Should a game run out of time, each player receives a number of points equal to the amount of tau he or she has stored, to a maximum of the Tau goal. Each player then receives an additional 2 points for staving off his opponents.

* Modifications to Standard Floor Rules:

3.4.1: There are no modifications to the Standard Floor Rules for a Reascension Tournament.

The Armageddon Tournament

* Armageddon Overview:

4.1: The Armageddon Tournament is intended as a faster-paced, more bloody alternative to the Reascension Tournament. It is a reflection of the close and violent interactions between rival groups of the Fallen, and is significantly less of a diplomatic game. It can be run for any number of players, but works best in powers of two.

* The Main Structure:

4.2.1: An Armageddon Tournament is a set of three-game matches between two players, in which the total winner progresses to the next round. It may be run either single- or double-elimination with regard to the losers, and is set up and run exactly like any other single- or double-elimination tournament. Note that, due to the bye system recommended below, all three games of each match should be played if possible.

4.2.2: Any byes will be assigned to the eligible player with the fewest lost games, in a single elimination tournament, or to the eligible player with the fewest lost games who just lost a match. In any case of a tie, the tie is broken by awarding the bye to the tied player with the highest Tau stored at the conclusion of his or her last loss. Further ties are broken randomly. No player may receive more than one bye per tournament, however, and is thus ineligible for future byes.

4.2.3: The number of rounds, obviously, will be determined by the number of players and the type of the tournament.

4.2.4: It is recommended that a total time limit be imposed on the matches, but none on individual games. If a time limit is imposed on matches, similar delay-of-game penalties are recommended as in Reascension Tournaments, and in the case of time expiring, the situation is resolved as described below.

4.2.5: Should time expire during the first game of a match, the player with the highest Tau stored at the conclusion of the current turn is declared the winner of the match. If it is a tie, play continues until one player is ahead at the end of a turn or activates a gateway. For reference to byes, both unplayed games are recorded as losses for both players.

4.2.6: Should time expire during the second game, the player with the highest Tau stored at the conclusion of the current turn is declared the winner of the game. If it is a tie, play continues until one player is ahead at the end of a turn or activates a gateway. If this results in a tie for the match, the winner of the first game is declared the winner of the third game and thus the match; otherwise, both players record a loss for the third game.

4.2.7: Should time expire during the third game, the player with the highest Tau stored at the conclusion of the current turn is declared the winner of the game. If it is a tie, play continues until one player is ahead at the end of a turn or activates a gateway.

4.2.8: The standard Tau Goal for an Armageddon Tournament is 7 Tau.

* Modifications to Standard Floor Rules:

4.3.1: Due to the direct-conflict emphasis and the extreme power of such cards in a 2-player situation, Apocalypse cards are banned from Armageddon Tournaments at present to preserve the atmosphere and encourage a variety of decks. Note that they are not banned in Reascension Tournaments because the multiplayer format lessens their general effectiveness. There are no other modifications to such a tournament.

The Revelations Tournament

* Revelations Overview:

5.1: The Revelations Tournament is a test of performance in a limited environment. It is intended to carry a sense of the urgent and sudden nature of the Fallen's situation, and the random forging of alliances in the wake of the Ruin. It also allows new players to compete on an even level with those who own large numbers of cards, since it is a sealed environment.

* The Main Structure:

5.2.1: A Revelations Tournament is run identically to a Reascension Tournament except where noted below. The primary difference is in the rules for and system of deck construction, as outlined below (The Draft, 5.4).

5.2.2: The standard Tau Goal for a Revelations Tournament is 7 Tau, and the resulting award for a win is 11 Tau.

* Modifications to Standard Floor Rules:

5.3.1: Due to the nature of the draft, there is no maximum number of any particular card which can appear in your deck. In addition, the minimum number of cards is dropped to 50. Note, however, that such a small deck will likely lose due to loss of cards.

5.3.2: In addition, any player may spend 5 minutes tuning his or her deck between matches, adding only Ultracommon domains and those cards from the draft currently not in the deck, and removing any cards he or she desires, so long as the minimum size is maintained. This rule may be negated by the judges if they so desire, but must be announced in advance of the tournament.

* The Draft:

5.4.1: The focal feature of a Revelations Tournament is the draft, in which players select their cards in a limited manner from a set of sealed boosters brought to the tournament or bought on site. Each player must be informed in advance of the number and type of each booster to bring or buy. It is recommended that the total number of cards provided by the boosters be between 35 and 60, and that at least one of the boosters be from the latest printing of the core set. Currently, this means 3 or 4 booster packs of the main printing, but as time goes on, expansions may be worked into the system.

5.4.2: Players are randomly divided into groups sized as evenly as possible, with the optimum size for a group being 5. The decision is left to judges as to exact sizes and allocations.

5.4.3: Within a group, players sit in a circle. Each opens the first booster pack (all of the same type, by mutual decision), and selects one card from it, which is placed in front of him or her. The pack is then passed to the left. The player receiving the pack selects one card, and passes it on to his/her left, and so on until all packs that were opened together are exhausted. At that point, the next pack is opened, and the same occurs, but the packs are passed to the right instead, and so on, alternating directions, until all packs are exhausted and all cards are drafted.

5.4.4: Each player now may build a deck with any or all of these cards, and may add any number of any of the Ultracommon locations from the basic set (listed below) to the deck. Such locations are the only cards from outside the boosters which may be added to the decks, and the only requirement of the resulting deck is that it be at least 50 cards. All unused cards are the property of that player (unless there is some other stipulation, such as their use in the prize) for the duration of the tournament.

5.4.5: The Ultracommon Locations are: Congo Depth Preserve, Corporate Arcology, Euroreach, Free City, Kiev Grid, Nile Shard, Osaka Expanse, Old World City, Outland Tunnels, Remote Biodome, Rimspace, Rio Net, Seafloor Metroplex, and Urban Sprawl.

Further Information

6.1: These Tournament Rules were originally written for Last Unicorn Games by Denis J. Chagnon in June, 1996, and have been released so far in the Alpha version by him on 6-15-96.

6.2: Further information regarding tournaments is available from Last Unicorn Games through, D.J. Chagnon (internet rep) at or, from LUG itself at, by phone at 1-717-221-1118, or at the LUG website,

6.3: Further information on Heresy, especially the FAQ and rulings, and questions on them, are best requested from the newsgroup or the internet addresses. For those without internet access, send an SASE and a request for that information to Last Unicorn Games, 931 N. Front St. #404, Harrisburg, PA, 17102.

6.4: These rules are an ongoing process, and depend on player participation and feedback to make them all they can be. Please, let us (especially D.J., who's doing the writing, and the players organization) know what you think.

©Copyright 1996 Last Unicorn Games
Converted to HTML by Sixten Otto